Stepping stones to firm foundations for Mandarin as a foreign language

The South Morning China Post - Anita Shum "Many of [...]

Why are children so good at learning languages?

Medical X-Press - Janna Roberts "In 2003, an influential study [...]

Gestures help students learn new words in Mandarin: study

ECNS - Gu Liping "Students' comprehension of words in a [...]

Babies who hear two languages at home develop advantages in attention

Medical X-Press - Staff Writer "The advantages of growing up [...]

Gutting US foreign language education will cost us for generations

CNN - Ruth Ben-Ghiat "Monolingualism (the ability to speak only [...]

Learning a language means failure, embarrassment and the enrichment of your life

The Los Angeles Times - Catharine Hamm "A reader recently [...]

The benefits of raising a bilingual child

The Miami Herald - K. Lori Hanson, Ph.D "Habla espanol? [...]

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