Cowen & Forte: 5 Critical Steps to Take to Fix Our Students’ Flagging Literacy Skills and Falling NAEP Scores

It is up to local, state and federal policymakers to act decisively and without delay to improve reading instruction in America. Here are 5 critical areas to focus on

It’s Time For Education To Become Data Literate

Are we doing enough to prepare kids with the necessary core data-related skills — both technically and in the softer skills such as communication and analysis--to succeed?

Why do teachers make us read old stories?

Classic stories like 'Romeo and Juliet,' 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' and 'Jane Eyre' are still relevant today and kids will benefit from reading them

How do U.S. students’ computer and information literacy skills stack up?

An international study gauges students' computer and information literacy skills, along with computational thinking

Tips And Tricks Parents Can Use To Nurture a Love of Reading in Kids

Raising kids to love reading often comes down to forming habits, family norms and intrinsic motivation. A lot of it starts by parents modeling their own love of books.

Fun with rhymes and word play helps children learn to read

With a complex language, like English, learning to sound out words is critical but not enough for learning how to read.

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