15 Nonfiction Children’s Books On Your Kid’s Favorite Topics
15 Nonfiction Children's Books On Your Kid's Favorite Topics
15 Nonfiction Children's Books On Your Kid's Favorite Topics
Children with dyslexia seem to find it more difficult to judge the direction of moving dots - this could explain why reading is also more challenging.
After 18 months of untraditional learning, students are showing up at school lacking fine motor, academic and social skills. Children early grades are particularly affected
Are there any remedies for America’s reading problem?
How podcasts can be used to support early literacy education
Fall test data show pandemic learning most severely hurts low-income students, students of color and kids at key milestones — learning to read, switching to conceptual math
How the education system is failing Black students
New research published in the British Journal of Educational Psychology suggests that sleep problems may negatively affect children's reading ability.
Can children really learn to read via Zoom?
Digital books connect all students with reading opportunities--but vulnerable populations, in particular, see huge benefits