Reading with toddlers reduces harsh parenting, enhances child behavior
Parents who regularly read with their toddlers are less likely to engage in harsh parenting and the children are better behaved, says study
Parents who regularly read with their toddlers are less likely to engage in harsh parenting and the children are better behaved, says study
What can book-loving parents do if their children do not share their enthusiasm for reading?
By the time teens are in the 12th grade their love of reading has dropped dramatically. What can we do to reduce this trend?
To foster of a love of reading in students, we must give them voice and choice by letting them pick their own books
Hearing books read aloud isn't just for small children. There are benefits for older students as well, as it can enhance language arts instruction and can build a community of readers.
How Changes in U.S. Reading Instruction Compare Internationally
Writer examines the (huge) role of stories and the (limited) role of phonics in beginning reading instruction for children
Teaching children to think as they read can improve their reading comprehension and make them better readers
Children whose parents read them five books a day enter kindergarten having heard about 1.4 million more words than kids who were never read to
Why students benefit from learning and reading poetry