Encouraging Students to Take Creative Risks With Technology

Middle school students can reprogram toys at maker events to develop a sense of the importance of persistence and problem-solving

5 Ways to Give Students a Makerspace Experience at Home

Hands-on projects that use inexpensive materials and focus on multiple iterations help make learning fun. Here are 5 ways parents can give their children a makerspace at home

Starting Small With Maker Education

You don’t need a lot of money or a dedicated space to try maker education—a cart with some basic materials will suffice.

Making Is Great Because It’s Chaotic. But Not Everyone Is Looking for Chaos.

The consensus among the educators who participated in focus groups was that making is a way for students to make order out of chaos and that this path is expectedly going to be messy.

Makerspaces Are Transforming My School. Here’s How

Allowing students to explore STEM careers is a key part of one Tennessee school’s work to boost achievement.

Technology Helps Schools Answer the ‘Why’ of STEAM Learning

Makerspaces can help K–12 students develop skills needed for emerging career paths.

A Makerspace, Teaching Studio or Wellness Center? The Role of Libraries in College Innovation

From a wellness center to a makerspace the role of school libraries has evolved and become the center of innovation

Using a Makerspace for English and Humanities Instruction

Makerspaces don't have to just be for STEM subjects. Turning abstract concepts like symbolism and imagery into 3D representations develops deeper understanding and engagement in English and the Humanities

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