Can you solve it? The poco poco puzzle
Can you solve this poco poco puzzle and find the meaning of "a lot" in Spanish?
Can you solve this poco poco puzzle and find the meaning of "a lot" in Spanish?
Educators in K-12 classrooms are exploring unique ways to bridge the gap between math, science, and literacy.
A middle school math project gives students a chance to apply the skills they learn in class to an issue they care about.
A fear of math can keep kids from pursing the subject despite the rewards they would receive from learning math
Here are 11 ways parents can help their children enjoy math
Challenging problems with several paths to the solution encourage students to develop their understanding of mathematical concepts.
These engaging books can help students improve their reading comprehension and understanding of math concepts.
ACE, a program developed by researchers, aims to help school children become better at math
A four-step approach to group work can get students talking and boost their mathematical and metacognitive thinking.
How can we ensure students get over their hate/fear of math and get on the pathway to success?