The Guardian view on creativity in schools: a missing ingredient

Creativity can often be the missing ingredient in a child's education, but it should be embedded throughout the curriculum from the arts to science and math

Investing in Girls’ STEM Education

New technologies are dramatically transforming work and the global economy every day. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers hold tremendous promise for millions of girls and women—but only if new policies tackle access and education problems first.

Computer science now counts as math credit in most states – is this a good idea?

Most states have changed their rules in recent years to let computer science count as a required high school math or science class. A physics professor explains how that trend could set students back.

Productive struggle in the elementary mathematics

Knowing what you're teaching and how you plan to teach and assess each academic standard along the way is key to promoting productive struggle in your classroom. This will empower students and boost their growth and achievement

Rose & Weisberg: Do Kids Fall Behind in Math Because There Isn’t Enough Grade-Level Material, or Because There’s Too Much? It’s Both

Are kids falling behind in math because of a lack of access to grade-level material, or because of an exclusive focus on grade-level material? It’s both

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