How reading about elephants improves early math skills
Want to improve the foundational math skills of preschool-age children? Give them a picture book
Want to improve the foundational math skills of preschool-age children? Give them a picture book
School-Based Intervention Programs Aid Kids Struggling In Math & Reading
To prevent the rise of math anxiety in elementary students, teachers and parents need confidence in their understanding of the subject.
How can we improve math learning in students who hate it?
Playing with arithmetic can lead us to unexpected and profound discoveries that point toward deeper mathematics and sometimes even deeper science.
Math and basketball? A new study reveals that by combing the two it inspires kids to learn
Do we want to see more women in STEM careers? Then we should encourage more girls to pursue STEM learning in the early grades
Rigorous Project-Based Learning units in middle and high school math answer the age-old student question: “When am I ever going to need this?”
Can you solve this puzzle from the United Kingdom's girls’ math Olympiad?
Research shows many young children have fallen behind in reading and math. But some educators are worried about stigmatizing an entire generation.