How Role Models May Inspire Exploration of Computer Science Pathways
How mentors can inspire more diverse students to become involved in computer science
How mentors can inspire more diverse students to become involved in computer science
Mentoring at a Social Distance: How 4 Programs Are Creating New Ways to Connect Students and Professionals During COVID-19
A web of positive relationships is the foundation of healthy youth development. Having a mentor, tutor, parent or neighbor who is physically present is a proven, critical ingredient to successful distance learning
How mentors can help college students find their career path
How mentorships can get more girls in STEM
The 74 Million - Lauren Fagella "Mentorship in middle and [...]
Medical X-Press - Staff Writer "When educators and coaches make [...]
The Hechinger Report - David Shapiro "Since evidence emerged in [...]
The Christian Science Monitor - Story Hinkley "With more emphasis [...]
Education Dive - Amelia Harper "Summit High School in California [...]