How to teach saving and spending to kids as young as 3 years old

The act of choosing to save or spend money often involves considering a future point in time. Greater focus on saving and budgeting can help children better develop saving skills.

Parents: Teach Your Children (To Retire) Well

Why teaching children the benefits of retirement planning helps both kids and parents better plan for their future

Back To School: How Opening A Bank Account Can Support Your Children’s Financial Education

As you head back to school for 2020, don't forget your children's financial education. Opening a kids' bank account is a great way to teach good financial habits.

4 Tips Parents Can Give To Their Teens On How To Budget Their Money

Teens need to be taught how to set aside some money for a rainy day, how to track their finances, set realistic financial goals

When Is The Ideal Time To Start A College Savings Plan?

A regular investment made monthly or annual can provide enough growth opportunities for a college savings plan, but when should parents start?

5 Tips For Raising Money-Smart Kids

It's never too soon to start teaching your children about smart financial decision-making. Here are some tips on raising money-smart kids.

PISA results highlight US teens’ limited financial knowledge

Compared to 19 countries, the U.S. ranked fifth, showing students have some basic understanding of money, but lack awareness of how decisions affect long-term outcomes.

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