10 Music Activities For Preschoolers

Parents can provide great developmental benefits and lots of fun to their kids through these 10 music activities specifically for preschool children

Interesting patterns of brain activity emerge during musical analysis exercises

Researchers have observed a specific link between musical processing and areas of the brain associated with language processing for the first time.

Using Music in World Language Classes

Listening to songs in the target language is an enjoyable way for students to improve their comprehension skills.

Linguists Discovered Music Helps Children Learn Foreign Languages

Music can help children learn foreign languages, says study

Learning foreign languages can affect the processing of music in the brain

Learning foreign languages can affect the processing of music in the brain

Integrating Music Into Social and Emotional Learning

A strategy for guiding preschoolers to identify and manage their emotions with a little help from the music of Muddy Waters, Beethoven, and the Beatles.

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