Breaking Up Kids’ Routines May Unlock More Learning Potential, Study Shows

While children thrive on consistency, it turns out that their routine a bit could be the best way for them to learn. A new experience activates dopamine receptors in their brain, making them feel excited and more likely to remember new information.

Out of the mouth of babes

Learning a language is child’s play, but linguists are still trying to understand how children do it so easily.

Eight ways to make every day a Valentine for your kids

As Valentine's Day approaches, parents are reminded to shower their children with love and attention throughout the year

Exercise your mind by reading, experts say

Research reveals children who read for pleasure have better language and comprehension skills, and greater empathy toward others, get better exam results and go on to be leaders in life.

School start times: Are teens too sleepy to enjoy learning?

Early school start times and lack of teen sleep may be one reason that researchers are finding students have negative attitudes towards school.

20 Classic Books To Read Aloud To Your Kids & Ignite Their Love Of Reading

Celebrate World Read Aloud Day with these classic books to read aloud to your kids

Researchers Link Autism To A System That Insulates Brain Wiring

Brains affected by autism appear to share a problem with cells that make myelin, the insulating coating surrounding nerve fibers that controls the speed at which the fibers convey electrical signals.

Slime and Sensory Play Encourages Kids To Engage Their Senses

Playing with 'slime' and other messy toys can be good for kids. Sensory play offers many benefits for emotional health

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