We asked kids to send us their burning questions – here are 5 of our favorites from 2019

If you've ever spent even a few minutes with children, you've probably heard them ask a question or two. Or many more. Here are answers to a handful.

Encouraging Your Child To Give Themselves Positive Pep Talks Can Boost Their Academic Performance

Giving themselves a pep talk before tests can help kids improve their performance

Parents Don’t Need to Be Coding Experts, Just Willing to Learn With Their Children

Parents don't need to be experts on coding to help their children learn to code

How To Encourage Your Child To Be Brave & Why Experts Say You Should

When your kids take a leap of faith and steps out to do something outside of their comfort zone, it can be a major confidence boost, but some kids don't innately know when and how to be courageous. How can parents help?

Young children and infants read to by parents have stronger vocabulary skills

Shared reading between parents and very young children, including infants, is associated with stronger vocabulary skills for nearly all children

Everyday Learners: 10 simple ways to promote language skills in infants and toddlers

What parents can do to boost their young children's language skills

Technology Tools That Can Help Dyslexic Students

Most dyslexic students don’t have a problem understanding information— so allowing them to record a class instead of painstakingly take notes, or to speak an essay into a tablet instead of writing it down can change the game completely.

Why Do Toddlers Love Books? Experts Explain Your Mini Bookworm

Young children, especially toddlers, are developing a habit of learning through books. They can become more familiar with colors, sounds, a sense of touch, and sight words

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