Game Night Boosts Kids’ Emotional And Mental Health

Family Game Night is more than just a fun way to occupy the time; it is beneficial for children's emotional health and their cognitive development.

Kids may need more help finding answers to their questions in the information age

Children ask a ton of questions and it maybe difficult for parents to have all the answers

Experts warn too much screen time could hinder brain development in young children

Too much screen time could have a negative impact on preschool-aged children's brain development, warns experts

Five ways parents can help their kids take risks – and why it’s good for them

Taking risks helps children test new ideas and find personal capabilities and limits. Here are five lessons from early childhood educators to help parents encourage their kids to take risks, safely.

Skipping breakfast linked to lower GCSE grades

Students who rarely ate breakfast on school days achieved lower GCSE grades than those who ate breakfast frequently, according to a new study

10 Ways To Bring More Music Into Your Kid’s Life

Music can bring out the best in children. From boosting their creativity to inspiring them to dream big there are numerous benefits for introducing more music to your kids. Here's how to get them listening and even playing music!

It’s A Smartphone Life: More Than Half Of U.S. Children Now Have One

A broad new national survey examines media use among children and teenagers and the very different ways young people are using their devices

What are kids really learning from their extracurricular activities? Practice and character

Why involve your kids in extracurricular pursuits like sports or music? We send children to coaches and teachers to learn character. We want them to discover the magic of repetition, of slowing things down to focus on an area of improvement, and learning to fail in order to succeed.

Stanford psychology expert: This is the No. 1 skill parents need to teach their kids—but most don’t

Teaching your children not to give into distractions can be one of the most important lessons kids learn from their parents

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