9 Best Starter Chapter Books Kids Will Love

Children are usually ready to start reading chapter books when they are 7 or 8 years old and these 9 books are a perfect way to introduce kids to longer books

Why It Takes Time For Kids To Learn To Color Inside The Lines

Parents like to encourage their kids to color within the lines from an early age. The truth is, it takes time for kids to learn to color in the lines.

Garnett: Empowering Parents With More and Better Schools — Guidelines for Expanding Private School Choice Programs, and Making Them Accountable

Empowering parents with more and better schools — guidelines for expanding private school choice programs, and making them accountable

Talk To Your Daughter Before She Enters Middle School

Middle school can be a challenging time for all kids, but especially for girls. Parents should talk to their girls to make sure she has the tools to navigate this period of her life

1 In 3 Parents “Feel Sick” When Helping Their Children With Math & Science

A new survey has shown that 1 in 3 parents reported feeling physically ill when they help their children with math and science work

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