This Home Reading App Can Empower Parents. Could It Also Work on Summer Slide — and Help Repair COVID Learning Loss?

This Home Reading App Can Empower Parents. Could It Also Work on Summer Slide — and Help Repair COVID Learning Loss?

Talking To Children Is Critical For Brain Development, No Matter What Language Is Spoken

Talking To Children Is Critical For Brain Development, No Matter What Language Is Spoken

18 Fun Facts For Kids About Presidents For President’s Day

For kids who are interested in presidents and want something to do for this President's Day, here are 18 fun facts they may find interesting.

Helping Your 5-Year-Old Who’s Never Been To School Transition To Kindergarten

Kindergarten might seem scary if your child has never been to school. Here's how to make it easier on them.

Back to school: how to help your teen get enough sleep

With school closures across 2020, teenagers used mobile phones even more frequently than before. But their use has an effect on their sleep.

7 Tips For Raising Bilingual Kids

Knowing more than one language is always beneficial. According to research being bilingual boosts children's IQ.

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