Data Privacy in a Pandemic? Parents Are Concerned, But Still Welcome More Tech

Parents are concerned about their children’s online safety and data privacy, but not as much as other issues such as the quality of education their child receives, protection from violence and bullying, and ensuring their child doesn’t fall behind in school.

Are the kids alright? Social isolation can take a toll, but play can help

Some children are not socially engaging with their peers in the way they did before the pandemic. It's understandable if parents are worried, but play can help

How to Foster Creativity, No Matter Where Learning Takes Place

Igniting creativity in students could be the key to a successful transition back to school even when it is distance learning

Needs Attention

Why social and emotional wellness in language education is important, especially during distance learning

10 steps to make walking or biking to school safer

More than half of U.S. parents support road closures, traffic restrictions and lower speed limits to protect students walking or cycling to school during the COVID pandemic.

How To Talk To Kids About What’s Happening In The World

With everything happening in the world, it's important for parents to know how to explain current events to kids in a safe way they'll understand.

How To Help Kids Stay Social While In Virtual School

We know kids miss their friends, so help them stay social and connected during virtual school with these tips and ideas.

How to keep kids active while learning from home—and why that’s vital

How to keep kids active while learning from home—and why that's vital

Three health tips for heading back to school

Shopping for school supplies is often a regular ritual for many students. But parents also need to make sure that their children are healthy before the first school bell rings.

OPINION: Why policymakers and school leaders can’t ignore how the pandemic hurts childhood brain development

Why policymakers and school leaders can’t ignore how the pandemic hurts childhood brain development

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