‘Not The Kind of Growth We Need’: Despite Some Recovery of Learning Lost During Pandemic, Test Results Reveal Large Gaps

New data shows winter #reading and #math performance in grades 1-8 approaching normal levels, but experts say there’s not enough growth to close the gaps

The Guardian view on child’s play: help kids be themselves

Play and playtime are increasingly controlled and constrained. Children must be allowed more play and trusted to take age-appropriate risks

‘Let children play’: the educational message from across Europe

Free play and outdoor play has long been valued in Finland, but now more countries are seeing the benefits of letting children have more time to play

Missing kindergarteners drive largest drop in 20 years in California’s K-12 enrollment

Missing kindergarten students drive largest drop in 20 years in California's K-12 enrollment. However, Charter schools experienced an increase in enrollment

What AI can and can’t do in education

What AI can and can’t do in education. Artificial intelligence will never replace teachers, but it can provide an objective basis for curricular choices and conversations with parents

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