Analysis: Students Who Are Lagging Behind Need Both Grade-Level Content and Personalized Learning. How 3 Schools Are Making It Happen

Students who are behind need both grade-level content and personalized learning. How 3 schools are making it happen

Three Simple Tech Tools to Make Math Thinking Visible

High school math teacher Stacey Roshan explains how she uses technology to better personalize learning for each student, build relationships, and lower stress and anxiety levels.

Parents flock to charter schools for home school, personalized education

Dissatisfaction with public schools is driving thousands of families to dozens of California charter schools that offer personalized approaches to education, such as home schooling.

Analysis: Rigorous Grade-Level Work or Personalized Learning? Research Shows Closing Student Achievement Gaps Requires Both

Rigorous grade-level work or personalized learning? Research shows closing student achievement gaps requires both

There’s value but also limitations to students’ grading their own interpersonal skills, study finds

California school districts are confident they can improve student self-confidence, empathy, and growth mindset.

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