White House conference highlights ways to get students physically active
White House conference highlights ways to get students physically active
White House conference highlights ways to get students physically active
Physical education teaches relationship-building and self-management skills, making it a natural for social and emotional learning.
Six ways schools improved P.E. to prioritize student interests and motivation
Schoolchildren who run or walk for 15 minutes during the school day are mentally and physically sharper than those who do not, says study
Why PE matters for student academics and wellness right now
Physical activity that amplifies learning can have a powerful effect on retention and engagement—it’s also fun.
Improving the quality of Physical Education (PE) classes may boost kids' and teens' brain power and academic prowess, particularly in math
A new study of children in the U.K. suggests that physical activity is linked to emotional regulation in early childhood, which in turn predicts academic achievement.
Play and playtime are increasingly controlled and constrained. Children must be allowed more play and trusted to take age-appropriate risks
Free play and outdoor play has long been valued in Finland, but now more countries are seeing the benefits of letting children have more time to play