Study Finds Boys Who Are Less Physically Active Have Less Reading Ability

Could increasing a boy's physical activity help them become better readers? A study from Finland suggests it could

Building School Community Through Physical Activity

How physical activity provides an opportunity to build character, use teamwork, and foster a sense of belonging in schools.

Incorporating Physical Activity Into Lessons Improves Students’ Attainment

How physical activity in the classroom can help children better learn their lessons

How children who dread PE lessons at school can be given a sporting chance

Just because some school children don’t look forward to physical education class doesn't mean they never will. Research demonstrates that some simple adjustments can make PE enjoyable for the majority of students

Ofsted chief: pupils’ wellbeing at risk as sport is squeezed out of schools

Physical education is critical for children's wellbeing and must be a priority in schools, says UK's Ofsted chief

How Movement and Exercise Help Kids Learn

Getting children up and moving in the classroom can help improve their learning as exercise boosts creativity, decision making and more

Tummy timetables: WHO has lifestyle advice for kids

The United Nations on Wednesday released its first-ever recommendations on physical activity and more for children under five

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