Why Teachers May Want to Try Throwing Students a Curveball in PBL

When students face unexpected—but manageable—changes during project-based learning, they learn the valuable skill of adapting.

4 Strategies to Make Virtual PBL Work

Researchers and educators share how to successfully transfer project-based learning to virtual learning

Getting Started With PBL in Social Studies

Implementing project-based learning can lead students to investigate historical movements.

Using PBL to Boost Online Engagement

How project-based learning can boost student engagement during online learning

3 Keys to Making Project-Based Learning Work During Distance Learning

This challenging time provides an opportunity for students to work on real-world problems they see every day with project-based learning

Using Project-Based Learning to Help Students Develop Transferable Skills

When students engage in Project-Based Learning, they should gain skills that will help them solve a wide array of problems, not just the problem at hand.

Getting Set Up for Collaboration in Online PBL Units

Student collaboration is a hallmark of project-based learning, but it can be tricky to manage online. Here are some basic strategies for helping students work together

Your Checklist for Virtual Project-Based Learning

Why now is the perfect time to introduce students to project-based learning. During distance learning well-designed projects allowed kids to work independently at home in a way that was engaging and provided continuity of learning.

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