Using PBL to develop 21st-century skills

Project-Based Learning challenges students to address real-world issues and take those new skills with them for the rest of their lives

How Teachers Can Support PBL at Home

Tips and projects that teachers can share with parents and caregivers to guide children in any grade through project-based learning—with or without technology.

How Project-Based Learning Is Helping Students Build 21st Century Skills

Project-based learning that focuses on a mixture of education technology, soft-skill building and real-world examples is sweeping through K–12 classrooms.

Providing Rich Educational Experiences for All Students

With proper scaffolds, students with learning differences benefit greatly from challenging opportunities like project-based learning.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Project-Based Learning Technology Integration

For a successful project-based learning lesson plan, educators should collaborate with each other to adopt tools students are familiar with.

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