3 strategies we use to turn struggling students into confident readers
3 strategies we use to turn struggling students into confident readers
3 strategies we use to turn struggling students into confident readers
A comprehensive reading plan is the only way to address our early literacy crisis
practical strategies to help all students reap the benefits of reading
Clearing up misconceptions about how educators can help middle and high school struggling readers during a pandemic
To narrow reading gaps, we should support educators in the science of teaching reading
Upcoming research shows 10 percent of students find reading in print boring — but nearly three times as many find it dull reading on a screen. The pandemic badly skewed the print-versus-digital mix. We must redress the balance
Predicting Reading Ability Among Ten-Year Olds
Are your children struggling to learn to read? Don't panic, there are ways parents can help their kids become competent readers
How teachers and parents can support students with dyslexia
'Sounding it out' not so easy for children with dyslexia