Can You Actually Teach Kids to Read Online?

Can You Actually Teach Kids to Read Online?

‘My Biggest Challenge and My Biggest Fear:’ Teaching Kids How to Read Remotely During the Pandemic

Parents have a greater responsibility than ever before to help their children practice reading aloud, and teachers should limit video calls to five or six students. Are either possible during pandemic?


Comprehension-based reading can be the catalyst for second language acquisition

Experts, parents say there are gaps in efforts to help students with dyslexia learn to read

Experts, parents say there are gaps in efforts to help students with dyslexia learn to read

Rotherham: Phonics. Whole Language. Balanced Literacy. The Problem Isn’t That We Don’t Know How to Teach Reading — It’s Politics

Reading isn’t just the latest obsession of ed advocates; it’s a real issue in people’s lives. Deny people literacy, and you deny them freedom, agency — even humanity. Unfortunately, national data show we do that systematically

Reading struggles? Don’t wait to advocate for your child

Early intervention with reading challenges has very high success rates for supporting reading development, but it is much more difficult to improve reading skills in older students.

The game that can spot preschoolers at risk for reading deficits

This game can help identify preschool kids at risk for reading difficulties

Study Finds Boys Who Are Less Physically Active Have Less Reading Ability

Could increasing a boy's physical activity help them become better readers? A study from Finland suggests it could

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