8 Research-Backed Ways to Aid Struggling Emergent Readers

Many kindergarten children will pick up the foundational skills of reading relatively easily, but some will struggle. Here’s what the research says about how to support them.

How Schools Can Help Dyslexic Students with Reading

Helping dyslexic students learn how to read takes more effort that students whose brains aren't wired that way. one of the most important next steps for educators is to step outside the classroom to get the at-risk student the intense intervention needed from a trained reading specialist

Petrilli: 2019 NAEP Results Show There’s Something Wrong Going On. 3 Theories About What Might Be Happening in Our Schools, and Beyond

The 2019 NAEP results show there’s something wrong going on. Here are 3 theories about what might be happening in our schools, and beyond

At a Loss for Words

For decades, schools have taught children the strategies of struggling readers, using a theory about reading that cognitive scientists have repeatedly debunked. And many teachers and parents don't know there's anything wrong with it.

3 ways educators nationwide are working to disrupt dyslexia

A number of states and districts are embracing more research- and science-based approaches to literacy instruction amid growing awareness of dyslexia

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