Report: Lack of COVID-era report cards left families ‘in the dark’

The lack of COVID19-era report cards left families ‘in the dark’. Data Quality Campaign faults states for not reporting chronic absences, graduation rates and teacher data during pandemic

Plans to Administer ‘Nation’s Report Card’ in 2021 to Proceed Despite Concerns Over Reliability and Funding During Pandemic

Preparation for 2021 reading and math assessments for #thenationsreportcard should continue, declares the National Assessment Governing Board.

6 ways data, report cards can aid schools’ COVID recovery

Tracking data on the successes and failures of online learning will let educators make quick improvements as schools and students adapt to greater levels of remote instruction.

Williams: Together, Student Report Cards and School Report Cards Can Show Parents How Their Kids Are Really Doing in School. 5 States That Get It Right

Very little in our vast public education system, with the exception of the student report card, is designed for the parent. 5 great examples of states whose school report cards put parents first

Analysis: New DQC Review Shows Most State School Report Cards Getting Easier to Access — but Too Few Go Far Enough in Giving Parents the Full Picture

Most state report cards are easier to access than ever. But despite this great progress, states must do more to make the data easy to understand

This Week’s ESSA News: States Rethinking Report Cards, Using Data to Inform School Oversight, Targeting Classrooms for Additional Support & More

The 74 Million - Ashley Inman Zanchelli "Alyson Klein reports [...]

The Age of Anxiety? Why More Educated Millennial Parents Are Telling Researchers They Want to Know How Their Kids Measure Up in School vs. Their Classmates

The 74 Million - Conor Williams "Americans may be fond [...]

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