Pediatricians: schools must reopen now to relieve children’s suffering

Schools must reopen now to relieve children's suffering, urge pediatricians

How one California school district is moving forward with math in the pandemic

Math learning experts are pushing for grade-level content over remediation during the pandemic.

Schools in Los Angeles, San Diego won’t reopen for in-person learning next month

Schools in Los Angeles, San Diego won’t reopen for in-person learning next month. Districts cite "skyrocketing infection rates" in announcing that school campuses can't reopen yet.

Experts share how to keep kids healthy, learning during coronavirus school closures

Children’s health experts warn against too much screen time, encourage setting a daily routine

Experts, parents say there are gaps in efforts to help students with dyslexia learn to read

Experts, parents say there are gaps in efforts to help students with dyslexia learn to read

Giving more kids access to a STEM education

Kid Spark Education, a nonprofit providing STEM education curriculum, professional development, and engineering and building materials to get kids engaged in science, technology, engineering and math at an earlier age

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