American families strongly support school choice. Educators should listen to them.

Working families are out front on big, structural change for our education systems while political will and policy imagination are lagging

Pro-Charter March Greets Democratic Debate in Los Angeles

Parents, students, education activists promoting school choice trail presidential candidates.

Let’s Begin Listening to the Voices That Really Matter in the School Choice Movement: Children

When it comes to school choice we should listen more to the voices that matter most: children

Closing The Choice Gap In American Education

While policymakers may continue to make headway with education choice programs, entrepreneurs will be the ones to successfully create and scale affordable alternatives to conventional K-12 schooling, closing the choice gap and perhaps the others as well.

Public Support Grows for Higher Teacher Pay and Expanded School Choice

Results from the 2019 Education Next Poll show public support is growing for increasing teacher pay, expanded school choice and more

Berner: Many Countries Support School Choice for Families. The U.S. Used to, Too. 3 Ways to Get Back to That Democratic Approach

Many countries support school choice for families. The U.S. used to, too. 3 ways to get back to that democratic approach

The Results of Florida’s Education Reforms Are Impressive. Their Return on Investment Is Totally Off the Charts.

From the late 1990s until 2017, the reading performance of black fourth graders in Florida skyrocketed 26 points. For Hispanic students, the gain was 27 points, and for low-income kids it was an astonishing 29 points.

Choose Your Own Adventure: K-12 Educational Options Aren’t Just For The Elite Any More

All children deserve an opportunity to find a school that meets their needs.

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