Commentary: 40 Percent of NYC Kindergarten Kids Go to a School Their Parents Chose. More Families Need That Option

The 74 Million - Darla M. Romfo "A new report [...]

Strengthening the Roots of the Charter-School Movement

Education Next - Derrell Bradford "Over the past quarter century, [...]

What Counts as School Choice in New Study of Short- and Long-Term Outcomes?

Education Next - Michael J. Petrilli "The AEI paper focuses [...]

My School’s Great, but American Education? Not So Much. New Poll on U.S. Attitudes Suggests Public Perception ‘in a State of Flux’

Education Dive - Kevin Mahnken "Americans remain as conflicted as [...]

Can School Choice Keep Children Safe from Bullying?

Education Next - Kevin Currie-Knight and Jason Bedrick "Twelve-year-old Mallory [...]

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