Pluralism Is Growing in K-12 Education

The so-called COVId-19 shock has changed the way parents see education and what they want out of their children's schools

Analysis: Learning Loss Update — Districts Quiet on How They Plan to Help Students Recover From a Year of Continued Disruption

Learning loss update — school districts are quiet on how they plan to help students recover from a year of continued disruption

Collection of 130 COVID Studies Aims to Give Schools a ‘Solid Grounding’ to Reopen

Collection of 130 COVID-19 Studies Aims to Give Schools a ‘Solid Grounding’ to Reopen

Analysis: How Do You Measure a Year? How States Should Assess Student Learning in a Pandemic

How do you measure a year? How states should assess student learning in a pandemic

Report: US schools receive D grade for infrastructure

The American Society of Civil Engineers, which assigned a C- grade to the nation's total infrastructure in its latest quadrennial assessment, gave school infrastructure a D grade.

Parents Expected to Opt Children Out of Spring Testing in Large Numbers, Especially in Places Where Schools Haven’t Reopened

Parents Expected to Opt Children Out of Spring Testing in Large Numbers, Especially in Places Where Schools Haven’t Reopened

More Lawmakers Are Leading Efforts to Reopen Some Schools By Statute — And Not Just in Red States

Only a handful of states have mandated a return to in-person schooling. But several are now considering proposals that would require districts to offer live instruction to students

Experts Predict What School Will Look Like Next Fall

What will schools look like by the fall of 2021? Full-time, in-person instruction? Vaccines for kids? Masks? Here's what experts are expecting.

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