Analysis: Districts Are Calling the Shots During COVID Shutdowns. So Why Hold Schools Alone Accountable for Student Learning?

Districts control factors, like access to technology and decisions about school calendars and time, that determine whether students can learn during the pandemic. Meaning most of the country is holding the wrong entity — schools — accountable

Where does school cybersecurity stand in a year disrupted by coronavirus?

Where does school cybersecurity stand in a year disrupted by coronavirus? Despite a shift in the types of incidents reported, experts suggest devices could be compromised and "waiting" to be reconnected to school networks in fall.

Health Experts Say Schools Can Reopen in the Fall — But With Some Big Changes

Across the country schools are preparing for a back-to-school season unlike any other in living memory.

Analysis: For Hundreds of Thousands of Kids at Some of America’s Biggest School Districts, There’s Still No Consistent Plan for Remote Learning Nearly 2 Months Into the Pandemic

More districts are providing remote instruction, but some of the nation’s largest, with hundreds of thousands of students, still aren’t. These are the laggards

Fostering a Strong Community in a Virtual Classroom

The shift to working online requires teachers to think a little differently about how to build the culture they want with their students.

Coronavirus: scientists caution against reopening schools

Due to the Coronavirus scientists caution against reopening schools. Study finds children may be as infectious as adults – but Unicef warns closures put vulnerable students at risk

What It Might Look Like to Safely Reopen Schools

Three-quarters of U.S. states have now officially closed their schools for the rest of the academic year. While remote learning continues, summer is a question mark, and attention is already starting to turn to next fall.

Kids shouldn’t have to repeat a year of school because of coronavirus. There are much better options

The government can invest in a number of catch-up programs for students in danger of falling behind due to school closures, including summer school and small group tuition, to help children who fall behind due to COVID-19.

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