How A Proposed Federal Education Study Could Help, Or Hurt, Educational Equity
A new U.S. Department of Education study will examine how districts and schools are using more than $30 billion of federal funding.
A new U.S. Department of Education study will examine how districts and schools are using more than $30 billion of federal funding.
What Problems Has Edtech Solved, and What New Ones Did It Create?
Schools face backlash from families after tweaking the schedule for winter break
Search and compare all California public schools, districts, cities and counties for data from the state's school accountability dashboard.
Edtech is challenging how, what and where students learn.
Asking students a series of essential questions at the start of a course can boost student engagement
Accountability debates tend to center on test scores and graduation rates. Taking responsibility for student belonging should also be part of the definition of school success, says writer
Tech-savvy students are adept at using the latest internet-enabled devices, but they don’t do enough to protect their sensitive information in cyberspace.
In classrooms across the globe, educators and students are doing amazing things with Minecraft--could it totally disrupt current education models?
Do school lockdown drills do any good?