School safety should begin with proactive measures

School safety should begin with proactive measures, says a former director of the U.S. Secret Service, who urges a focus on mental health, social-emotional wellbeing and recognizing early warning signs.

Albright: Physical Health Is Only Part of What Makes a School Safe. 4 Ways to Include Student Mental Health in Reopening Plans

The pandemic has shined a spotlight on the need for a broader definition of school safety, one that considers the social and emotional needs of the school community

Analysis: In Thousands of Districts, 4-Day School Weeks Are Robbing Students of Learning Time for What Amounts to Hygiene Theater

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made clear that good ventilation and consistent mask wearing are far more effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19 than disinfecting surfaces in schools.

7 predictions about fall back-to-school with COVID

Although promising signs indicate the COVID pandemic is becoming more manageable, it's reasonable to expect the back-to-school season to look different. Here are 7 predictions about what school may look like when students return in the fall

More Lawmakers Are Leading Efforts to Reopen Some Schools By Statute — And Not Just in Red States

Only a handful of states have mandated a return to in-person schooling. But several are now considering proposals that would require districts to offer live instruction to students

Will The CDC Guidelines Help Schools Reopen?

The CDC published guidelines for school reopening. How will the new guidelines affect you? Can you count on school reopening in the fall? Here's what parents should expect and how families can best handle the coming months.

No evidence that schools are playing a significant role in driving spread of the COVID-19

New research led by epidemiologists at the University of Warwick has found that there is no significant evidence that schools are playing a significant role in driving the spread of the COVID-19

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