10 steps to make walking or biking to school safer

More than half of U.S. parents support road closures, traffic restrictions and lower speed limits to protect students walking or cycling to school during the COVID pandemic.

The Science Is Simple, So Why Is Opening Schools So Complicated?

The Science Is Simple, So Why Is Opening Schools So Complicated? (audio)

From tents to bus rides: Social distancing in school reopening plans

Safety measures and logistics will stretch already tight school budgets as districts weigh staggered schedules, outdoor lessons and more as they work on how to handle reopening plans amid the COVID-19 pandemic

How Safe Is Your School’s Reopening Plan? Here’s What To Look For

Here's what parents should look for in a school's reopening plan

What Back to School Might Look Like in the Age of Covid-19

An illustrated guide to how schools will try to control the coronavirus when students return to their classrooms, this fall or in the future.

How risky are school activities? This chart has answers.

How risky are school activities? This chart has answers. Experts recommended holding classes outdoors, capping class size and moving teachers

Where does school cybersecurity stand in a year disrupted by coronavirus?

Where does school cybersecurity stand in a year disrupted by coronavirus? Despite a shift in the types of incidents reported, experts suggest devices could be compromised and "waiting" to be reconnected to school networks in fall.

Cyberattacks Increasingly Threaten Schools — Here’s What to Know

With the shift to a virtual classroom, schools need to be extra vigilant about cybersecurity.

School buildings need more space to safely reopen

Making classrooms, cafeterias and other spaces less crowded will be essential when it comes to reopening schools. There are two main ways to do that.

What It Might Look Like to Safely Reopen Schools

Three-quarters of U.S. states have now officially closed their schools for the rest of the academic year. While remote learning continues, summer is a question mark, and attention is already starting to turn to next fall.

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