New RAND Survey Suggests Support for Continuing Remote Schooling This Fall is Limited — Among White Families

New research shows 84% of parents plan to send at least one of their children back to school in-person this fall; 12% unsure and just 5% keeping their kids home.

Analysis: Focus on Grade-Level Standards or Meet Students Where They Are? How an Unintentional Experiment Guided a Strategy for Addressing Learning Loss

Focus on grade-level standards or meet students where they are? How an unintentional experiment guided a strategy for addressing learning loss

Hybrid learning, online credentials will survive edtech ‘hype cycle,’ edX CEO says

Hybrid learning, online credentials will survive edtech 'hype cycle,' edX CEO says

Integrating Music Into Social and Emotional Learning

A strategy for guiding preschoolers to identify and manage their emotions with a little help from the music of Muddy Waters, Beethoven, and the Beatles.

Most California schools offering summer school, planning to reopen fully in fall

Almost every school district in California plans to fully reopen its campuses in the fall and to offer summer programming, according to the Governor’s Office.

Studying maths beyond GCSEs helps brain development, say scientists

Students who drop math at the age of 16 have lower amounts of a brain chemical that is critical for brain and cognitive development, compared with those who continue math, a study has found.

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