3 Keys to a Better 2020–21

In response to the upheaval of the pandemic, researchers and the leaders of over 100 schools focused on three fundamental areas of education, whether it’s in person or virtual, to make sure the 2020-21 school year is better

‘We Are Being Asked to Do the Impossible’: As Pandemic Spikes in Several States, Parents Brace for Historically Chaotic Return to School

Is the spread of #COVID19 in Israel after schools fully reopened in May a lesson for the U.S.? Read about the chaos surrounding #returntoschool

Why in-person elementary school should be a first step for reopening

District leaders should prioritize full-time, in-person instruction for grades K-5 and students in special education when reopening schools later this summer, researchers at the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine said Wednesday.

School reopenings: what can the US learn from other countries’ experiences?

What can the US learn from other countries' experiences as they plan to reopen schools?

Interactive: Roadmaps to Reopening — States’ Guidance to Schools on Meals, Masks, Handwashing and More

Meals, classrooms, masks, buses, temp checks, handwashing — interactive maps show what each state wants its schools to do when they reopen in the fall

Analysis: Temperature Checks, School Schedules, Masks — What Do States Want Districts to Do? We’ve Analyzed the Plans. Here’s What We’ve Found

As the issue of how to reopen school becomes increasingly politicized, states' responses will continue to evolve. But one thing is clear: They are leaving big decisions — on class schedules, masks, temperature checks — to the districts

A Principal’s View: We Can’t Wait for In-Person School to Return. So My D.C. Charter School Is Ready for a Full Year of Remote Learning

We cannot hold out until in-person school returns, or, worse, rush its return. Remote learning is here for the time being, and we have to chart this new way of doing school. This summer provides a buffer of time, says Washington DC principal

Schools in Los Angeles, San Diego won’t reopen for in-person learning next month

Schools in Los Angeles, San Diego won’t reopen for in-person learning next month. Districts cite "skyrocketing infection rates" in announcing that school campuses can't reopen yet.

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