Report: New Summer Learning Initiative, Launched Last Year as a 5-Week Pilot for Nearly 12,000 Students, Shows Promise For Improving Online Instruction

As the pandemic shuttered schools last year, a group of education leaders launched a virtual learning pilot that reached over 11,000 kids last summer. Early grades, from both teachers and students, were positive

Leaders in California and South Carolina Find Learning Loss — Especially in the Early Grades — But Experts Say Data is Still ‘Imperfect’

Leaders in California and South Carolina Find Learning Loss — Especially in the Early Grades — But Experts Say Data is Still ‘Imperfect’

Education Through the Pandemic: From Iowa Schools Making Remote Learning a Permanent Option to Minnesota’s Plan to Give Some HS Seniors Automatic Admission to Colleges, 12 Ways States Are Coping With COVID-19

12 ways schools are fighting to preserve learning amid the pandemic, including Hawaii’s push for a statewide response to support students

No evidence that schools are playing a significant role in driving spread of the COVID-19

New research led by epidemiologists at the University of Warwick has found that there is no significant evidence that schools are playing a significant role in driving the spread of the COVID-19

CDC: Strong evidence in-person schooling can be done safely

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released its long-awaited road map for getting students back to the classroom. Officials said there is strong evidence now that schools can reopen, especially at lower grade levels.

Inside the New CDC Guidance on Reopening Classrooms: Masks and Social Distancing Key Safety Strategies, Vaccinations Not a Precondition for In-Person Learning

Inside the New CDC Guidance on Reopening Classrooms: Masks and Social Distancing Key Safety Strategies, Vaccinations Not a Precondition for In-Person Learning

Pediatricians: schools must reopen now to relieve children’s suffering

Schools must reopen now to relieve children's suffering, urge pediatricians

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