Bars or schools? How nations rank education in pandemic priorities.

If education is the foundation of a functioning society, how should it be prioritized in a pandemic? The U.S. and Germany offer a tale of two approaches, pointing to the influence of culture on decision-making.

Decisions to stop or start in-person K-12 learning aren’t getting easier

Decisions to stop or start in-person K-12 learning aren't getting easier

In These Reopened Schools, Students Exceed Expectations Following Safety Rules

In schools that reopened they have found students have exceeded expectations for following safety rules

Ramirez & Buher: The Path to Universal COVID-19 Testing in Schools — What the Government and States Can Do Now in Preparation for the 2021 Surge

The Path to Universal COVID-19 Testing in Schools — What the Government and States Can Do Now in Preparation for the 2021 Surge

Families move to get their kids the ultimate education: an in-person one

The pandemic has prompted some who had been thinking about a move to act on it. Utah, Colorado, and Vermont have seen an influx of families able to relocate so that their children can attend school in person.

School Reopening ‘Churn’ Distracting District Leaders from Focusing on Improved Remote Education & Student Engagement, Researchers Find

According to researchers on school systems’ COVID-19 responses, too many schools focus on returning to “normal” detracting from better remote learning, student engagement

Are The Risks Of Reopening Schools Exaggerated?

Despite widespread concerns, two new international studies show no consistent relationship between in-person K-12 schooling and the spread of the COVID19. A third study from the USA shows no elevated risk to childcare workers

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