A Guide For Pursuing Independent Scientific Research Opportunities In High School

For motivated high school students, doing research through an independent research project (IRP) can help a student stand out among the masses on their college application

Low-Tech Scientific Exploration for Students at Home

A fifth-grade teacher shares scientific exploration ideas students can do with simple materials in and around their homes.

Analysis: Science Matters Now More Than Ever. The Time to Start Teaching It Is in Elementary School

We are facing one of the greatest health crises in history and a climate crisis that will last for generations. Students must be equipped to tackle them with a high-quality science education from the earliest grades

Opinion: COVID-19 reveals grade school science education flaws

COVID-19 has revealed the flaws in grade school science education. If we want to create a culture ready to tackle the next pandemic, we must know how our bodies function and fail

OPINION: Distrust of science in the coronavirus era reminds us why we must boost elementary science education

The response to the coronavirus has shown why we must improve K-5 science education

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