Bedtime strategies for kids with autism and ADHD can help all families get more sleep
Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for the whole family. Here are some tips to try if your child struggles with poor sleep.
Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for the whole family. Here are some tips to try if your child struggles with poor sleep.
What’s really going on when a child is ‘overtired’ – and how to help them go to sleep
Neuroscientists have long known that sleep helps consolidate memories in adults. Napping may play an equally crucial role in infants and young children.
A good sleep routine is critical for children to succeed in school
A lack of sleep in children has a direct link with low active engagement in the classroom as early as grade one as reported by teachers.
Later school start time gave small boost to grades but big boost to sleep, new study finds
With school closures across 2020, teenagers used mobile phones even more frequently than before. But their use has an effect on their sleep.
Researchers linked sleeping problems at any stage of childhood to behavioral, social, and academic difficulties in 10-11 year-olds.
Students returning to school this fall will face a new, changed reality. Rather than compounding their challenges, let’s help them get the sleep they need
Parents shouldn't worry too much about their kids' screen time during quarantining, pediatricians say, but make sure it’s not interfering with sleep and relationships.