Playing with old phones teaches children good habits, and reflects our bad ones back at us

Children see adults on smartphones, looking up information they need to know, and being continuously connected. They want to copy this behavior in their play and practice being an adult.

One in four children and young people show signs of addiction to smartphones

'Problematic smartphone use' has similar features to a behavioral addiction – and may potentially lead to poorer mental health for kids, says study

Smartphone ‘addiction’: Young people ‘panicky’ when denied mobiles

Almost a quarter of young people are so dependent on their smartphones that it becomes like an addiction, suggests research by psychiatrists.

It’s A Smartphone Life: More Than Half Of U.S. Children Now Have One

A broad new national survey examines media use among children and teenagers and the very different ways young people are using their devices

Half of parents ‘want mobile phones banned in schools’

Just under half of parents in the United Kingdom, 49%, think their children's school should ban mobile phones

Frustrated With The Distractions Phones Cause, Some Schools Ban Them

Phones are potent learning tools, but they've also become big distractions in many classrooms. Now, some schools are taking steps to reduce their temptation by banning their use during the entire school day.

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