How to effectively support struggling readers during distance learning

Education specialists dive into how educators and parents can support struggling readers, ELL students, and students with dyslexia in an at-home learning environment

Going Beyond ‘How Are You Feeling?’

When students have the language to describe their feelings and needs, they are better equipped to help themselves and each other.

What social-emotional needs will students return with?

What social-emotional needs will students return with? Teachers may see more emotional and behavioral outbursts in their classrooms

7 strategies to boost SEL skills in students

Having strong social emotional learning skills and so-called "soft skills" will improve a students chances for employment

Tran: Math, Writing, Science History & SEL — Integrating Social-Emotional Learning Into Academics Sets Students on the Road to Success

Math, Writing, Science History & SEL — Integrating Social-Emotional Learning Into Academics Sets Students on the Road to Success

New guide helps children be emotionally prepared for school

A new guide aims to help parents ensure that their are children emotionally prepared for school

Powerful SEL Is Happening After School, Too

New research shows that when schools extend SEL lessons beyond the classroom into after-school programming, students’ academic skills and classroom behaviors improve.

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