Is your teen online a lot? Study finds mild link between ADHD and digital media use

USA Today - Ryan Suppe "Teenagers who frequently use digital [...]

Now is the time to redefine readiness

E-School News - Katherine Prince "Today’s working adults have seen [...]

With increased focus on students’ social and emotional skills, teachers turn to class pets to help lead the way

Ed Source - Ashley Hopkinson "Like many class pets, Maurice [...]

Creating schools that ‘fit our kids’

Education Dive - Linda Jacobson "Social-emotional learning (SEL) can help [...]

Borsuk: Strict discipline or building social skills? Two approaches for safer schools

The Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal-Sentinel - Alan J. Borsuk "Is there [...]

Newsflash: Preparing students for the future workforce is a society-wide effort

E-School News - Geraldine Lee "Today’s jobs are changing, and [...]

Common sense a prerequisite for brilliance

News Herald - Juliann Talkington Do high standardized test scores [...]

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