Motivation for sports and school go hand in hand for adolescent athletes

Adolescent athletes with high motivation for school also have high motivation for sports. Male students tend to be less interested in school than their female peers, a new study shows.

Why student athletes need a new playbook to stay safe in the COVID-19 era

Kids want to play sports again, and who can blame them? An exercise scientist and physiologist explains why adhering to safety protocols is imperative.

STEM and Sports: Teaming Up to Enhance Student Engagement

Connecting subjects students enjoy to athletics and physical fitness can help encourage them to pursue cross-disciplinary studies and cultivate self-motivated learning.

Sign on, Zoom in, Drop Out: Pandemic Sparks Fears That Without Sports and Other Activities, Students Will Disengage from School

Concerns that losing sports & extracurriculars during COVID-19 costs students the support of “adults and peers in a school who know and care" could cause kids to lose interest in school

Even if you’re asymptomatic, COVID-19 can harm your heart, study shows – here’s what student athletes need to know

Even if you’re asymptomatic, COVID-19 can harm your heart, study shows – here’s what student athletes need to know

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