Standardized tests are back; they’ll feel different and many students won’t take them

Standardized tests are back; they'll feel different and many students won't take them

Beyond the Scantron: Harvard Expert Andrew Ho on the 3 Ws of Testing and How to Figure Out What Students Have Lost Academically to COVID-19

Nothing can answer questions about a student’s grasp of a subject the way a state test does. They show where we stand compared to the previous year in a rigorous, standardized way.

Study: Tough teachers get better results from students

A Fordham analysis of grading standards set by Algebra I teachers shows high expectations have long-term impacts and benefit all types of students.

New statistical model improves the predictive power of standardized test scores

Will "dynamic measurement" lead to improvements in the predictive power of standardized tests?

The 74 Interview: Do Standards and Project-Based Learning Go Hand in Hand? Prof. Nell Duke Says Yes, & Looks at the Best & Worst of PBL

Can standards and project-based learning live harmoniously?

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