5 simple ways to integrate STEAM education into elementary classrooms
STEAM education is an excellent way to expose students--especially young learners--to all subjects in an engaging way
STEAM education is an excellent way to expose students--especially young learners--to all subjects in an engaging way
The Million Girls Moonshot initiative will work with afterschool programs nationwide to increase diversity and equity in science, tech, engineering and math.
Why more principals need to embrace STEAM education. A low percentage of principals view STEAM as a top priority and many who do have more pressing matters to attend to, says report
New and veterans teachers are getting more guidance on using ed tech in class and teaching STEAM in the classroom
Makerspaces can help K–12 students develop skills needed for emerging career paths.
Experts agree that STEM skills are required to excel in our increasingly automated and globally connected world and as such kids should begin learning STEM as early as possible
Does the US need to step up its efforts in STEM education?
The arts and turning STEM into STEAM is an innovative way to help students boost their creativity and critical thinking
Today's students will need to learn to harness their creativity and problem-solving skills along side a STEM education to prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow
STEM education is important. But discounting the arts would be a mistake