Back to School: STEM’s Impact on Developing Future Roboticists
What is the current state of STEM education and what does it mean for the future of robotics?
What is the current state of STEM education and what does it mean for the future of robotics?
Can digital prompts keep students engaged with their STEM courses?
The role of the arts in STEM and examining data from "arts-rich" schools were among highlights during day one of the Arts Education Partnership conference.
Should the STEM curriculum be broadened so students will understand how their work could affect humanity?
How robotics can enliven STEM lessons, improve student engagement, and help teachers in the classroom
Learn how this school focused on STEM learning across the board to engage students and shed light on real-world STEM connections
Why STEM/STEAM is critical for students
With women still underrepresented in STEM fields, experts hope that new Girl Scout badges and other efforts will propel girls to study and enter science and related areas.
The education gender gap costs the world between $15 trillion and $30 trillion in human capital. U.S. aid programs need to equip girls and women to participate in the modern digital economy.
By increasing access to industry-specific technology, schools can better prepare students for future jobs.