ESA Sends Barbie On Zero-Gravity Flight To Encourage STEM Careers For Girls
Barbie wants to encourage girls to consider careers in STEM by introducing them to successful female role models in the field.
Barbie wants to encourage girls to consider careers in STEM by introducing them to successful female role models in the field.
Classroom robots are great for STEAM lessons, but they also lend themselves naturally to SEL
Out-of-school STEM programs provide a blueprint for engaging and inspiring children meaningfully, and to get them on track academically and social-emotionally
The 10 fastest-growing science and technology jobs of the next decade
5 ways robots will bring your classroom into the 21st century
Developing students’ STEM literacy provides students with the critical skills they will use later in life
New research demonstrates the many aspects of nature play that make it a great way for young children to gain STEM knowledge.
Inspiring the Next Generation of Inventors Through STEM Education
6 ways computer science energizes STEM learning
Preparing students for a STEM career will take collaboration.