Students Are Online Like Never Before. What Does That Mean for Their Privacy?

Students Are Online Like Never Before. What Does That Mean for Their Privacy?

Report shows need for schools to protect student privacy, data

As teachers and parents warm to the idea of online learning, K-12s districts and schools must be more transparent with stakeholders about how they're protecting children's data and privacy

Lockdown Learning Platforms ‘Put Children’s Privacy At Risk’

Some of the most popular learning platforms used to help students keep up with their work during lockdown put children’s privacy at risk, according to a new report.

Analysis: It’s Tempting to Scrap Testing, but We Need Data to Measure Student Progress. It’s Time for a Fresh Approach

It's tempting to scrap testing, but we need data to measure student progress. It's time for a fresh approach

4 ways student data can drive COVID recovery

4 ways student data can drive COVID-19 recovery. Here are the resources leaders can leverage to help families navigate education's new normal

What Should Kids (and Parents) Know About Student Data and Online Testing? Some Suggestions From a Privacy Advocate — and Mom

When it comes to online testing and virtual proctoring, students (and parents) should have the right to review and understand what data are being collected, and why

Polonetsky: Are the Online Programs Your Child’s School Uses Protecting Student Privacy? Some Things to Look For

Technology can add value to students’ educational experience, enhance our ability to work remotely and help us stay connected. But we must make sure appropriate safeguards are in place so privacy and security don’t fall by the wayside

How to block ‘Zoom bombing’ and protect student privacy online

How to block ‘Zoom bombing’ and protect student privacy online. Use passwords and other strategies to defend against online class hackers

Why we need responsible data for children

In our increasingly datafied world, there is a clear need to develop and disseminate responsible approaches for handling data for and about children.

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